Dances with Fat


Check out Ragen Chastain’s inspiring and powerful blog, Dances with Fat.


Ragen is a Health At Every Size proponent who wrote Fat: The Owners Manual – Navigating a Thin-Obsessed World with Your Health, Happiness and Sense of Humor Intact.


Regan is also a wonderful dancer and dance teacher. You can learn to dance with Ragen on her DVD’s, “Every Body Dance Now!” and you can watch her dance if you go to her blog

Self-Compassion and The Soft Why

Approaching “mistakes” or things that don’t go well with self-criticism is never helpful and makes it difficult to learn from our experience. Instead, try gentle inquiry. Here’s how:


Last night in group Maria shared, “I did it again. I left the house without planning for hunger. I went to the office for a long day with only a granola bar. Of course, I ended up starving and buying junk food.”


“When I came home in the evening, I hadn’t gone shopping and had nothing good for dinner. I ended up eating a crappy box of Mac and Cheese,” she said. “What’s my problem? I know better! Why do I do this to myself?” Maria’s tone was critical; her voice aggravated; her “Why?” harsh.


When we ask ourselves, “Why did I do that?” from a place of exasperation and anger, we aren’t asking a sincere question. Our “Why?” is a criticism. Code for, “I’m such an idiot, jerk, basket case, (or whatever mean thing you can fill in this blank).” Our “Why?” is a reprimand, which only elicits feelings of shame and fear, not genuine answers. This is what I call a Harsh Why.


A Harsh Why is a smoke screen. We are not looking for answers, but for a way to beat ourselves up. The Harsh Why is a distraction which keeps us stuck in self-judgment.


If you’ve done something you’re not pleased with and notice yourself asking “Why?” in a harsh, unsympathetic tone, switch to a Soft Why. A Soft Why doesn’t blame or assume the worst. It won’t generate feelings of shame or fear. A Soft Why is curious and kind. It tries to understand. A Soft Why is looking for information so it can help.


I suggested Maria switch to a Soft Why to understand her difficulty planning for meals. When she asks, “What’s my problem? Why do I do this to myself?” Maria assumes she is flawed. But if instead she could ask, “I wonder why it’s hard for me to plan ahead. I feel better when I do, but something prevents me from doing this. Why?” She is not assuming incompetence or stupidity. Her Soft Why assumes there must be a good reason for her behavior which she hasn’t yet understood. Through gentle probing and thoughtfulness, she may be able to figure out what’s going on and what she might need to better care for herself.


She might discover through this process that planning ahead triggers resentment about having to take care of herself. Maybe Maria’s angry because no one ever planned properly for her and now she has to do it for herself. Maybe her resistance is a form of protest. Perhaps she’s still waiting for someone else to come and take care of her.


Before she can accept that she must be in charge of taking care of her own needs, Maria might need to feel angry and to grieve. If she asks, “Why?” in a kind and curious way, she may discover what her resistance is trying to say and what’s needed to move forward.


A Soft Why is friendly, not punitive. It opens the door to possibilities and makes room for complexity. A Soft Why helps us relax so we can feel safe enough to examine and learn about our behavior.


A Lesson in the Soft Why


When I was fourteen, I shoplifted. After school, the three of us friends went to Alexander’s Department Store. I pocketed a Bob Dylan cassette tape, Susan stole a Grateful Dead, and Jill picked the Doors. None of us had ever done anything illegal before.


Security caught as we were leaving the store. We were escorted to the basement of the building and held in a small cell. Two stern men in uniforms interrogated us, and then reprimanded us. I was mortified. A few hours later we were released and banned from ever returning to Alexander’s. I felt deeply ashamed and frightened. What was I thinking? Why did I do something so stupid? I had always been so good. I had never stolen anything in my life. Now I was a criminal.


A few weeks later, when I opened the door to my house after school, I noticed my mother sitting stiffly on the living room sofa. Something seemed off. Instead of her usual, “Hi, how was your day?,” rage flashed across her face. Instantly I knew she’d found out. After the incident, I bargained with God. I promised never to shoplift again and to be good for as long as I live if God fixed it so Alexander’s would forget to inform my parents. No such luck. The letter that the department store had threatened to send had finally arrived.


My mom was livid. She yelled and screamed like never before. “Why did you do this? You know better! What is wrong with you? This is not how I raised you! I’m ashamed of you! I’m too ashamed to even tell your father that you did something so stupid!”


Welcome to the Harsh Why.


I knew she wasn’t looking for answers. And if she was, I couldn’t give them. Her rage left me terrified, humiliated and speechless. I couldn’t think straight.


Later that night, Susan called to see if my mom got the letter. I told her yes and asked, “Did you get in trouble too?”


She said, “Not really, my mom and I had a long talk about why I did it, especially since I could have bought the cassettes. She told me about a time she did something similar and explained that sometimes we do things when we are younger to see what we can get away with. But sometimes we do things to get our parents’ attention. She wondered if I had wanted her attention since she had been working all the time. I think that may have been some of it.”


“We talked about my missing her and some of the stuff that’s been going on for me and that was helpful. I guess I also thought it would make us cool somehow,” Susan said. After talking to her mom, my friend was not left with shame, but rather insight into her behavior.


The benefit of the Soft Why.


Next time you overeat, eat mindlessly, watch hours of junky TV, or avoid moving your body and you find yourself asking a Harsh Why, stop. Shift to a Soft Why. You can even add an, “I wonder.” As in, “I wonder why I did that?”


Let your “Why?” come from a place of kindness and curiosity. Be patient and listen for answers. They may not come at once.


The Soft Why will help you examine the roots of your behavior. It will help you become mindful of your fears and feelings and, over time, will allow you to discover what you might need to move ahead.


If you don’t berate yourself, but instead become curious, things will eventually become clearer. Don’t assume your actions are a result of stupidity or laziness or that you are simply a hopeless case. Even if you don’t understand your behavior yet, know that there are always good reasons for your actions–reasons that deserve compassion and attention.


Stand Up to Bullies! Stop Fat Prejudice!

It’s become an American pastime to comment on people’s weight. Watch any celebrity gossip show or read any celebrity magazine and you’ll find out who is gaining and who is losing pounds, who looks great (lost weight) and who has let herself go (gained weight).


This constant critical commentary on people’s weight has given us the impression that it is permissible  to tell someone that she is fat and what she needs to do about it.


So many of my clients and students feel powerless to do anything about a parent or sibling, co-worker or friend who criticizes her body.


Fat prejudice is the last form of acceptable prejudice in our society. And it is a form of bullying that needs to change. We can change this kind of oppression by standing up to people who criticize our bodies. We can say, “It is not okay to make comments about my body.” or “My body is my business, not yours.”


I was thrilled to see news anchor Jennifer Livingston take a powerful stance against a viewer who calls her fat.  Watch her On-Air Response and be inspired!


Baby Steps Towards Lasting Change

How do we make lasting changes in our lives? Little by little. One baby step at a time.


Today a client shared with me the “drip metaphor.” It’s helpful as a way to think about all the small steps that go into making big changes. She said, “Every small step you take is like a drip falling into a bucket. You know when it’s raining like crazy and there’s a drip in your ceiling so you put a bucket under it? You know how even though the water drips slowly…drip…drip…drip…it’s always surprising how quickly the bucket fills up?”


She went on. “It’s the same with baby steps. Each small step is like a drip in a bucket. Most baby steps seem too small to make a difference, but before you know it, you’ve grown an ability to do something you weren’t able to do before.”


I immediately thought of Maryann, a woman in my class. She had been complaining about being so out of shape and how she barely moves during the day at her desk job. She wanted to find a way to start moving her body during the day so she set the goal of walking during her lunch hour. Although her intentions were good, days passed and the walks never happened. She finally admitted that she felt too out of shape to even take a short walk.


Then, thinking in baby steps, she broke her goal down into manageable pieces. She decided to set an alarm on her phone to go off 3 times a day. The alarm would be a reminder for her to get out of her chair. Once up, she set a timer for 5 minutes. In this time, she’d stretch, breathe, and take a few paces around her office. She said, “This seems like such a small thing, but I’d remind myself it was more than I’d been moving before.”


After a month of getting up and moving, Maryann was surprised to find herself wanting to leave the building for a short walks around the block. Her seemingly insignificant steps towards movement added up.


What baby steps have you been taking? Have you been undervaluing them?


Conversely, is there a goal that feels overwhelming which you can break up into baby steps? Try setting a timer for a short period of time while you do your activity so your goal doesn’t become overwhelming.


Keep a baby step log by jotting down every baby step you take during the day.


Or, practice a bedtime review – as you lie in bed before falling sleep, review your day. Make mental notes of any baby steps you took no matter how small.


Most of us overlook and undervalue the incremental steps we take because we’re fixated on bigger goals – losing weight, being able to walk/run for an hour, no longer eating emotionally, loving the way we look, and eating healthfully most of the time. If we haven’t met these goals, nothing else matters. But we can’t meet our larger goals without a foundation built on small steps. Without the small steps, there can be no big steps. The small stuff is what the big stuff is made of.


It’s like when an actor gets an Oscar and thanks the many people who helped every step of the way to make that moment possible. Our small steps are like the invisible people who deserve big rounds of applause.


Acknowledge and appreciate every drip in the bucket, no matter how small. Before you know it, your bucket will be full.


Please post here any baby steps you have taken lately. It helps to acknowledge them out loud and inspires others to hear about!