Here are some tips to help make your Thanksgiving less stressful and more enjoyable:
1) Don’t fast before the big meal. Extreme hunger is a set up for overeating. If you get hungry before your big meal, have a small snack. It feels good to be hungry for a big meal, but not overly so.
2) Before you plunge into the meal, check inside to see what you are really in the mood for. You don’t have to eat everything just because it’s there. Eat only what you want. If you take a bite of something and it doesn’t taste good or match your hunger, then don’t feel obligated to eat it. Try something else. Notice what tastes great and what tastes so-so. Eat only what tastes great.
If you feel excited by turkey and pie, but nothing else, just eat the turkey and pie.
3) Remind yourself that you can take home or keep what you don’t finish. This is why Ziplocs and Tupperware were invented! It is fine to say, “I am too full to finish this now, but I’d love to wrap it up for tomorrow or later when I can enjoy it more.”
4) Remind yourself that this isn’t the only time in the whole year that you can enjoy these foods. If you wanted, you can even make stuffing and turkey again next week or even the next day. Supermarkets sell “holiday” foods all year round.
5) Eat mindfully. Slow down, taste, and savor your food. Notice the flavors and textures of the different foods you choose. Let go of any guilt, calorie counting or judgment about your choices, as this will distract you from being mindful and will take away from a potentially pleasurable experience. Give yourself permission to fully enjoy your meal.
Eating mindfully will also help you to stop eating more easily when full. The more present you are with your eating experience, the more satisfaction you will find. Being distracted while eating makes it difficult for the eating experience to fully register, therefore, you’ll be more likely to keep reaching for food.
6) To check your fullness level, halfway through the meal, stand up. Stretch, go to the bathroom, or walk to another room. Notice how your body feels. Do you want to keep eating or is it time for a break. Do you feel like stopping? Remember you can eat more of anything when you are hungry again. And food tastes the best when you are hungry for it.
7) If you get too full, don’t reprimand yourself. Remember, guilt is not helpful when it comes to eating. It just ruins your experience. Don’t strive for perfection. Even with people who don’t struggle with food might overeat now and again. You will eventually get hungry again. Fullness always passes. Be kind with yourself no matter what happens.
8) After a big meal, it can feel nice to take a walk. Even a 5-minute walk can help you to relax. It also aids digestion. It’s an especially nice thing to do with your dog or someone whose company you enjoy.
9) If you are with people who stress you out or if you feel upset for any reason, take time for yourself. Go into another space and sit quietly or take a walk. You don’t have to be social 100% of the time. You might even make a phone date or exchange texts or email with a supportive friend so you feel less isolated.
10) Holidays can be difficult for so many reasons. Give yourself permission to feel however you feel. If holidays are a sad time, let yourself feel sad. Write about what you feel. Feeling lonely, sad, stressed or angry are just as legitimate as feeling happy and peaceful. You may feel lots of different things. This is natural.
11) If holidays are hard for you, do nice things for yourself. Take yourself to a movie, call a good friend, read an enjoyable book, and otherwise, nurture yourself. Even if holidays are not difficult, do nice things for yourself because you deserve nice treatment.
12) In order to help take the focus off of food, remember that Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the things in our lives we are thankful for. It’s not just about food. Take time to list what you’re grateful for in your life. Appreciate these things and notice how gratitude makes you feel.